Friday, May 21, 2010

Facebook and Pakistan

"Kill those who insult Islam" says the poster held by one of the Pakistani protesters in a picture published in today's newspaper. Is that what Islam is all about? Is that what the Prophet would have encouraged had he been around? Aren't these people insulting everything that he had stood for?

Why is the Islamic community so defensive that it gets the jitters when somebody pokes fun at it. Is this kind of kneejerk reaction an indication of insecurity and confusion of the general pysche of muslims?

So what if if somebody wants to draw pictures of the Prophet? How does it take away anything from what he represented? Does anyone bother to remember that the Prophet always , always stayed away from aggression?

In today's world of communication and technology , one can find thousands of sites and millions of opinions. There are those who denigrate religions and not just islam. So, all of them will attract this murder plea?

I sure am glad that I am not in Pakistan. I guess that because the raison de'tre of their nationhood being adherence to Islam, they feel terrified by anything that they perceive as remotely threatening to the religion they espouse.Can bullying ever win people to your side?

It is sad that the so called defenders of religions(not just Islam) hardly ever bother to follow the lifestyles of the prophets and saints they purportedly rever.

Dalai Lama, on being asked as to which was the best religion is reported to have said that any religion that makes one more compassionate, more loving and more ethical is the best religion. I guess that is the real test of your religiosity and you are not a better muslim just because you want to show the world that you are so incensed by the idea of someone drawing the picture of the prophet that you want to kill all of them who attempt to do so.

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